Wednesday, March 3, 2010

4 Wheels, Sanity, and Ambitions

You know, I was so busy in high school. I had almost literally no time. Now that I'm in college and am honestly doing less, I have a lot of time to spare. But in college, I feel more stressed than I did in high school. It's not like "Oh crap, stuff is piling up and I can't handle it" stress it's more "I feel funny and this is freaking me out" stress. Well...why? What is so different? Well, today I drove out to Delaware Valley College to visit my friend Lauren today. Let me tell you, that hour drive was SO nice. Then I got to thinking: what is the difference is the drive? In my senior year of high school, I drove everywhere. I looooooove my car. haha. This also INCLUDES driving to Bucks County Community College twice a week for about 30 minutes each way. This gave me the alone time I needed and the relaxation I needed. I'm not saying that I drove with my eyes closed or my feet up on the dashboard. But think about it: I drove just after rush hour, by myself, on the SAME route, at night, with my windows and sun roof down, and just the sound of my car. This is just making me relax thinking about it. Interesting huh? I completely think that I am right in this instance. I mean, I could go running and it basically be the same thing, but I am straining myself when I run and I am CERTAINLY not when I'm driving. So I wonder if next year when I have a car on campus (hopefully) if I'll be more relaxed because I can just go for a drive whenever. Hm...I wonder.

Ok. After hanging out with Lauren at Del Val and going out to dinner, we can back and talked in the car for about 30 minutes. We talked about the future and what we wants to do, our major, and whatnot. I got to thinking about my future (as if I don't enough already right?) I actually thought about it a fair amount tonight. You know, I remember a movie called "The Bucket List." I also have heard a few times that people should make a list of things that they want to accomplish in their life. I have a couple of things in mind, as drastic or as different as they may be, this may help so let's see.

I want to own my own shoe store. Yeah I know what you all are thinking. I do love shoes TOO much sometimes. But...doesn't that make it more perfect? I would love to have a shoe store helping clients pick the PERFECT shoe and have them walking out BEAMING with their new pair. Another thing I would want to do is become Mayor of the town I live in. Yeah, it's a random thing but I'm serious. I would love to get involved in my town when I get older and I think that I could make a good Mayor. What else...I think I would want to become a professor at a college. Even if it's like at a community college for one class, I don't care. I know this requires a doctorate (at least I think so) and it's a stretch. But again, I think I would like it and be good at it. I also want to have kids. I want to be a father with an awesome wife. You already heard about her a little bit in my last post so I'll skip that. I also want to own a Mustang. Not the horse, the car. I think even playing on a community basketball team would be right up my alley. haha. Help lead a youth group is another thing I would love to do. Run at least one marathon, and break 30 minutes for an 8k are two things I WILL do without a doubt.

But then here comes my problem. What IF I do get all that I just listed? My life won't be "complete." I won't be the "happiest man alive." I'm just saying that these are things I want to do. My life won't be "perfect" if and when I accomplish this. These are just things I would like to "notch on my belt." You know? Does that make sense? Yeah, least it does to me.

Ok. So I've been working on this post for two hours. I'm not sure if it even makes sense. But I'm done. So...good night world. :-)

Michael Leather

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