Monday, March 22, 2010

God <---> Good

These two words are not LITERALLY interchangeable, but when I think of "good" I know God is in that, and God IS good. Just something interesting to think about. There is a one letter different between "God" and "Good." I wonder if there is a reason behind that in the anatomy(I think this is the wrong word) of the word or not.

I went to The Vine tonight at Church of the Saviour. The Pastor is a good guy. During his sermon I wrote down a lot of stuff. I also wrote down a fair amount of lyrics. Stuff tonight really made me think. However, it is 1:45 and I want to sleep for 8 hours tonight. So I won't expound on them. I'll just throw them out and let you chew on them:

-Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live
-You made us friends when we were your enemies (Pastor said in his opening prayer)
-Faith is to believe what we do not see
-People today want proof. We won't believe that Big Foot is real unless we see a legitimate picture of him. But we are to believe in God. Do we have/need proof?
-Dust Jackets on books testify great words for the pages inside. Are we, as Christians, good dust jackets for God?
- "I don't do the choosing, God does. And he is good." (Woman talking about going back to do Missionary Work all over again at the same place after she was a prisoner of war and her husband was murdered there.)

Ok, this part is the only "quote" part I will have that I need to write down in a paragraph. The worship leader was praying. One thing in particular he was praying about was for a family who's son committed suicide. The leader said "LORD, we just hope that the boy came to you first before committing his act." Wait...huh? I forget exactly religion it is, but there is one where they believe that if you commit suicide, that you go to Hell automatically. I kinda thought that was true. The worship leader saying this just threw me off. (I am NOT contemplating killing myself or anything like that. I am simply asking a question for theological understanding) If I commit suicide, and I ask Jesus in to my heart before I die, I can still go to Heaven? I mean, I guess suicide is just like every sin. But I'm just confused. I didn't know what to think and I may need to talk to Matt or Chelsea or just someone more knowledgeable about this.

Ok. Done for the night.

Good Night world,
Michael Leather

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