Friday, February 12, 2010

Wait....I can write a blog?

Wow, today is February 12th and I haven't posted since the 1st. My spiritual discipline stinks right now. I even started to write like last Friday and just didn't. So now I am wondering, why? Is my day so busy that I just can't sit down for 30 minutes every day and write? Is my day so much more important than spewing my thoughts and ideas on to a page? No, I really don't think it is. But here IS what is more important. I have spent every single day since the 1st with friends. I come back to my room either A)exhausted or B)needing to do something else THEN being exhausted. So is this overall a bad thing then? I am trading my blog time, something which I enjoy, I love thinking about stuff, for friend time. Good or bad? I really can't decide. I guess the answer is actually this: Yes. There is good and bad in it and it

So I would do a recap of the last 11 days, but I reallllllly don't feel like it at all. Sorry everyone. But I would like to hit a highlight, NO SCHOOOOOL! I haven't had classes since Tuesday and I am SOOO happy about that. I love snow. I love how it falls and makes the world pure and white. I love the snow seeing it build up inch by inch. I love the crunching sound it makes when you walk over it fort he first time. I love how people can just run outside and just roll in it and be euphoric. I love how every man and and woman, old and young, are all 6 years old again when they play in the snow. I love how it creates snow days and forces people to disconnect from the world and be together. I love how the snow is romantic and how simple and amazing a walk in the snow with your girlfriend really is. Oh gosh how this snowfall has made me so jealous for a girlfriend. But I'm ok right now. I don't need one. I'm happy being with all of my friends, I'm happy being in the snow, and I'm happy being alive. :-) Well, I am meeting my Mom in about 40 minutes for lunch so I'm going to go. Talk to you later world!


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