Thursday, June 24, 2010

I've Got The Power

Today at camp, the power went out for 7 hours and about 33 minutes. Over that period of time, I realized many things. I realized how dedicated this camp staff is, to doing a good job and how cohesive it is. AS the power went out, there were buckets of water (camp is supplied through wells, and you can't get water from the wells without power) and flashlights already out. A few people and myself got flashlights out and tested every one to see which ones worked. Then, we all congregated around the piano and Eric started playing music. Phil, Elli and I started singing "Don't Stop Believin" and "Come Sail Away" together. We got the scared day campers to come in and listen to us and they were DANCING. It was great. Then as soon as the Program Manager said "we need all staff who aren't counseling," we RAN to vehicles and started clearing the roads and just making camp work again. Dinner got out on time, camp schedules continued as planned, and everything flowed rather well. No, it wasn't perfect, but the freakin power went out. haha.

I also noticed something. I was surprised by how dependent we all are on power. The freezer and walk in refrigerator had to be locked to keep the cold in. We had 2 generators running and we purchased a 3rd one. We had no internet to see if more rain was coming. We had a generator to power fans and a light in "the lounge" just to keep staff members cool and comfortable if the power outage lasted the night. It's rather amazing how MUCH we need power. I wonder what would happen if it were all gone for even a week. What about a month? How would we as a group, a society, a people adapt to make it so we'd be comfortable? I'm rather interested. Maybe one day I'll see.

Lastly, I feel great. There is this one day camper, that knows my name. He was my camper last year. Yet, he decides still to call me Superman. He says hi to me about 5 or 6 times a day saying "Hey Superman..." and I want to smile every time. For Staff Introductions for the rest of the summer, we are doing a basketball style intro. Where the announcer says your first name, your nickname, and then your last name. For example "Dwayne THE FLASH Waddddddddddddddddde!" Everyone has some WEIRD nicknames. One girl is being called "swamp donkey." My one friend is "Ben THE DREAM Weaver." haha. Mine, well no one could think of a ridiculous name for me. So...I'm "Michael THE SUPERMAN Leather!" I don't know whether to be upset because I don't have a hysterical nickname, or be happy because people are calling me Superman when I didn't even ask for it. I think I'll be happy. Why be upset with people calling me Superman? It's not like it's my dream or anything. haha.

Well, I am waking up soon. Bed is a good idea.

Good Night World,
Michael "The Superman" Leather

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