So as I said last night, today I went to the Sheraton in Philadelphia. There was an conference there for college aged students of Asian decent called "Epic." I, along with Brad and the student leader named Jeff led a skit to show the students how to run through outreaching to others. After this, we went to Drexel University to try and outreach to students on the campus. That's my Cliff Notes for the day. Let me go more in to depth.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Thanks Brad. I was NOT happy about that. But eventually Brad came (fairly late if I may add) and we were off to Philly. Upon arrival at the Sheraton, we met the youth leader Jeff. He was pretty cool. He was at Epic last year and was helping to lead it this year. Some of the students, called "Heroes" got up and shared their testimonies and talked about their missions trips. Then there was a sermon. This guy was such a great speaker. He talked about how his Dad pushed him to be the absolute best. He said that his Dad believed that a person is only worth something if they have a Ph.D. Well, the speaker (I know I keep calling him that, but I never heard his name)told his Dad one day that he was going to go to college for a Masters Degree in order to become a pastor. His Dad got a tear in his eye and said "I am SO proud of you." But then the speaker said he started to think. His Dad had been talking to him about the parable of the talents. Essentially the way his Dad summed it up is that you must multiply the gifts God has given you otherwise, you are frowned upon by God. Well the speaker, upon thinking, asked his Dad "would you be proud of me if I didn't get a degree?" Apparently their conversation died down. Essentially what his Dad says "If you are looked down upon by God, I look down upon you." I was BLOWN AWAY by this. You know, my Dad pushed me a whole heck of a lot too. Sometimes I thought he was pushing me further than I could go (even though he never really did). But he was always proud of me for what I did. You know, the speaker was no unsuccessful, but his father thought that if he didn't get a degree, he was. It was just rather upsetting.
A little later in his speech, the speaker said something FANTASTIC however. He was talking about people outreaching for God and doing missions trips. He then quoted one of his friends in saying "I am immortal until God takes me home." Isn't that FANTASTIC? Essentially, that guy quoted Jesus in saying "Do not be afraid." I mean, think about this for one sec: we are IMMORTAL (God has our back) until our job is done here on Earth and God calls us to be with him. Like...GAH! So no matter what, we should not be afraid because the best is meant to come. Either A) we don't die or B) we die and see God. Like...isn't that an eye opener for you too? Ok, on with the day.
So Brad, Jeff and I got up on stage and I acted like a student who was unaware of God VERY well. haha. After that, we were off to Drexel University. Everyone took the train while Brad and I drove to Drexel. He got VERY lost and VERY agitated at this. I would have too. But I was just listening to him and thought, "why get mad? You can't really control the fact you're lost. Just go with it and find your way back. Stop yelling." And I guess that's how we should go about in life too. If things don't go how we want, why do we yell? We can't control it. Simply suck it up and fix it best you can.
We finally got to Drexel. After all of this, Brad decided that it would be best to go to a certain student center on campus; he goes to Drexel all the time. We went and a total of 3 people were in the building. 1 left as we got there. So Brad and I talked to one person and the other 3 people we were with talked to the other. The guy Brad and I talked to was named (I am spelling this phonetically) Lowhurt. He is from India and has only been in the U.S. for 3 months. What it came down to was that he didn't believe in a God. He grew up in a Hindu home and lost faith. I felt bad that he couldn't feel as awesome as I do with knowing God is there and he loves me. However, Brad thought it was best to let him leave. He is an Electronic Engineering Major. I'm sure he had enough homework. haha.
So...that was my day. About 10 hrs long beginning to end for "activities." Now I just want to sit down and relax and maybe hang with a close friend or two. Time to go. I've written enough. Later everyone.
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